Frequently Asked Questions

We want you to know everything we are doing from start to finish.  We receive quite a few Frequently Asked Questions, but if you don’t see a question you have please contact us!

How do you price your inspections?



Our fees are primarily based on the overall square footage and age of the house.  The price may increase or decrease slightly due to condition, distance from our office, etc.  So for an accurate price estimate, contact us today!


How long have you been an Inspector?


We have been in the inspection business since 2015.  We began flipping houses in 2005 upon graduating from North Carolina State University and have been doing handyman work ever since.

For more information, visit our About Us page!


Can you do a quick walk through and tell me just the major things?



Unfortunately we cannot.  All home inspectors in NC are licensed and insured agents through the State of NC.  As such, the licensure board clearly spells out exactly what a Home Inspection is, how it is to be conducted, and how we must write our reports.  As a client, I want to make sure you have as much information about your investment as possible prior to your closing date.  As with most things, there will be minor and possibly  major issues.  What you may consider a minor problem may lead to a major problem in the near future.  Therefor, we strive to be as thorough as possible in our inspections while also explaining things as well as we can to show you how much of an issue things are.  Please remember that as your Home Inspector, we remain your consultant indefinitely, and are always happy to help you in any way we can.




Do you test for termites?



NC requires a special license for inspecting for termites, requiring experience working within a Pest Control company for several years.  We do look for insect activity and we certainly report it when seen, but technically only a licensed pest inspector can say whether or not a house is infested and with what.


Is the mold you found in my home dangerous?

When we look for mold or fungal growths, we are looking for evidence of moisture issues that can be detrimental to your home, not to your health.  We are not Doctors or industrial hygienists and are not qualified to speak to the health concerns related to mold.  We can tell you if you have mold, but any health related concerns are best directed to your health care provider or an industrial hygienists.